Sunday, July 20, 2014

Day 1... From Another Perspective

Hello everyone - this is Kevin Trow (Bill's son).  I wanted to share just a couple of images and videos that I was able to take earlier today as my friend Chris and I sent my father along his merry way.

At the water's edge (the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers):

A video of Bill's first steps along his journey, as he travels through Fort Defiance Park: (note - this video may not be viewable on mobile devices)

Gotta be careful... never know when there might be a surprise drive by:  (note - this video may not be viewable on mobile devices)

A few miles later as Bill "conquered" his first town in Illinois:

...And the very last we saw of Bill as he approached Mound City.  He was roughly 7 miles into his journey:

Keep up the good work dad... only 410 or so miles more to go!!!

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