Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 9: Tuesday July 29

Oconee to Moweaqua: 26 miles: Departed at 5:50 A.M. Walked through Pana, Assumption and on into Moweaqua. I was met several miles outside town by some boy scouts and their leaders who walked into town with me. Some cub scouts joined us about a half mile from my stopping point. I arrived in town at 4:20 P.M. I was also met by Mr. Ron Hogan who along with his wife Ruth are my hosts for the evening.


  1. How are the feet holding up???? And I hope the shin splints are going away!!! Rest and relax..tomorrow is another walking day!!

  2. Feet are beat up. Shin is hurting and causing trouble. I am doing my best to cope.

  3. Bill,
    It was an honor and a privilege to spend time with you last night. Glad to see you made it to Moweaqua. Just remember ONE DAY AT A TIME.

  4. Mr. Trow,
    Joe and I love following you during your adventure. The girls are getting such a kick out of how many miles you are walking and the reason for it (they also enjoy hearing Joe share stories about football days). Stay strong.
    Thinking of you from West Virginia,
    Annie, Joe, Elise and Olivia
